Over at Relatively Absolute, you’ll find a delicious sounding shrimp and scallop meal, complete with pictures. As most of you that visit here often know, I’m very big on good food, in fact I’ve had a reawakening of life, if you will, as I discover all kinds of techniques for cooking — the philosophies, the joys, the happiness, and so on.

As Paul G over at Relatively Absolute pointed out, a lot of blogs these days seem to be discovering a new fad – that is food, and posting pictures of them. I mean, what makes everyone happy, no matter what? Good food, that is. Molly pointed me out to a fantastic Filipino food blog, The Radical Chef, rich with delectable sounding recipes that I would love to try some day (or weeks.) There’s also The Amateur Gourmet, a hilarious blog with fantastic take on food and recipes. Suffice to say, the internet is a fantastic resource for a budding chef like me, and I intend to take advantage of it.