Due to Movabletype 3.0 not being as free as it was promised, and the fact that the SixApart people gave Molly the shaft when it comes to her new book, Teach Yourself Movabletype In 24 Hours, I’m considering switching to a new blogging platform. Right now my two choices are WordPress or TextPattern.

I’ve used WordPress to set up a blog for my roommate, and found it insanely easy to use, and slick. It has all the features I require, and the support is fantastic. The creator, Matt Mullenweg, is very active in the blogging and web standards community, so that is always a Good Thing�.

On the other hand, TextPattern looks to be slick, and the interface is visually appealing (whilst WordPress is best described as minimalistic.) It’s created by Dean Allen, who has also been at the forefront of the blogging and web standards community. I haven’t used TextPattern, and it’s still in the gamma stage, so it probably won’t be as stable and supported as WordPress, however I’m always drawn to something that’s new, that may turn out to be a gem. I’m that kind of sucker when it comes to software and technology.

Needless to say, I’m having a hard time figuring out which one I want to convert to. While redesigning Good Blimey, I’ll do research on both and perhaps I’ll eventually be swayed one way or another. Of course, if you’re new to blogging, and want an easy way to do it, check out either Blogger (free) or TypePad (not free).

[Listening to: Batmobile – Ballroom Blitz (3:00)]