After over 4 years working at, I decided to call it quits. It wasn’t a very easy decision to make, I’ve put a lot of effort into the site, making it grow, become an invaluable stop on the internet for gamers everywhere. I think I took it as far as I could take it, and I’m extremely proud of the site, and the community that is thriving there to this day. NVIDIA has given us a lot of support over the years, and it was really nice. My friend, Brian, who invited me to work on 3DGPU so many years has become a true friend.

There are so many memories the site holds for me, good and bad. I learned a lot, more than I could ever convey in words. The experience has changed me, and made me a better person; whether it be journalism, maintaining professional contacts, learning how large corporations work, and even discovering the dark underbelly of it all.

I left because I couldn’t hold up the responsibilities required to run the site and keep it going. I’ve also developed new interests that has lead my attention elsewhere, which are web design and cooking. I’m at the point in my life where I feel I need to expand my skills, and become a better person, and I’ve tapped all that 3DGPU could give me. I feel the future has a lot in store for me, and I’m looking forward to seeing what it is. I’ll still hang around 3DGPU, but merely as one of the many millions of visitors that come to the site, and not an editor/webmaster.