Category: Rants

Clearing Your Throat for Attention

I gave up on clearing my throat to get the attention of others who are preoccupied. It has lost its effectiveness in these modern times, so as a course of action, I’ve evolved and developed a new method of getting attention. I now make retching noises. This has a highly effective 100% success rate. No…

Misleading Game Demos

I’m one of those gamers who has the severe stuttering problem with Dark Messiah. It’s been a week and a patch still hasn’t come out. This stuttering situation is the same problem that occurred in Half-Life 2, and was a problem for me in The Ship and the first SiN Episodes game. Other games using…

Console Gamers are not Hardcore Gamers

As I’m reading the latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly talking about Gears of War, I saw the words “hardcore gamers” in a sentence.  I scoffed at the notion of console gamers as hardcore gamers.  There’s nothing hardcore about console games and the gamers that play them, with maybe a very slight exception to fighting…

Florida Gators get Bad Calls

I’m not one to really mull over bad calls in a sports game, but when it affects such a stellar performance by a freshman, and nearly costs the team the game, it has me really annoyed. Here’s a video of the bad calls that was the reason why the game between the Florida Gators versus…